Sunday, March 27, 2011

Well Carlos Silva Was Worth It...

What they should do is instead of having all these professional sports teams that are really talented they should have sports teams or even a sports league with all these out of shape untalented people.  I just think it would be a lot more entertaining.  And for twists you add in people that were once great but their glory is fleeting so its funnier. They would constantly be yelling at the untalented people to get it going, but those people would have no idea whats going on, and the guy would just get more frustrated But some of the people would be Muscle necks who have no coordination, really over weight people, semi over weight people, really tall thin guys, kids, people with big heads and scary eyes, drunks and bums, crazies, people with guitars, we would also have really talented people but put like blindfolds on them and tie there hands behind their backs. C’mon it would be hilarious, isn't this what the cubs have been doing?

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